Typical Weather in Buffalo, NY in January

32° F Avg High

17° F Avg Low

8 Rainy Days

☀️ Temperature Summary

In Buffalo, January stands out as one of the cooler months, featuring average high temperatures near 32°F. You'll want to pack a jacket if you're planning to visit this time of year. Overnight lows can reach 17°F. This is the coldest month of the year in Buffalo.

You may want to consider a warmer month to visit Buffalo, unless you're ready to brave the cold.

High Temps Throughout the Year

🎒 What to Pack

Pick up a few of these items to keep your trip fun and comfortable.

☔ Rain Summary

In January you can expect close to a 26% chance of rain for any given day. It rains more than usual in January, with total rainfall for the month typically near 3 inches.

Rainfall Throughout the Year

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📍 Nearby Cities in January

34°F / 22°F
27°F / 14°F
33°F / 18°F
54°F / 31°F
26°F / 10°F
30°F / 12°F

📅 Year Round Weather in Buffalo

32°F / 17°F
34°F / 18°F
41°F / 25°F
53°F / 35°F
65°F / 45°F
74°F / 55°F
79°F / 61°F
78°F / 60°F
71°F / 54°F
60°F / 43°F
48°F / 34°F
37°F / 25°F
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