Typical Weather in Altoona, PA in January

33° F Avg High

18° F Avg Low

7 Rainy Days

☀️ Temperature Summary

Highs in January are typically around 33°F, which is cooler than usual in Altoona. Pack a jacket if you're considering a visit to Altoona at this time. Overnight lows can reach 18°F. This is the coldest month of the year in Altoona.

You may want to consider a warmer month to visit Altoona, unless you're ready to brave the cold.

High Temps Throughout the Year

☔ Rain Summary

In January you can expect close to a 21% chance of rain for any given day. It rains less than usual in January, with total rainfall for the month typically near 3 inches.

Rainfall Throughout the Year

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📍 Nearby Cities in January

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27°F / 14°F
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30°F / 12°F
57°F / 39°F

📅 Year Round Weather in Altoona

33°F / 18°F
36°F / 20°F
46°F / 28°F
59°F / 38°F
69°F / 48°F
77°F / 56°F
81°F / 61°F
80°F / 60°F
72°F / 53°F
61°F / 42°F
49°F / 33°F
38°F / 24°F
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