Typical Weather in Osaka, Japan in November
62° F Avg High
48° F Avg Low
4 Rainy Days
☀️ Temperature Summary
Highs in November are typically around 62°F, which is cooler than usual in Osaka. You can expect overnight lows near 48°F most days. Daily high temperatures can range between 66°F and 57°F for the month of November.
November is a great time to visit Osaka, with mild temperatures and sunny days being very common.
High Temps Throughout the Year
🎒 What to Pack
Pick up a few of these items to keep your trip fun and comfortable.
☔ Rain Summary
In November you can expect close to a 14% chance of rain for any given day. It rains less than usual in November, with total rainfall for the month typically near 2 inches.
Rainfall Throughout the Year
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