Typical Weather in Elmira, NY in September

74° F Avg High

50° F Avg Low

7 Rainy Days

☀️ Temperature Summary

September is a popular time of year to visit, with an inviting climate characterized by warm temperatures. September is one of the warmer months of the year for Elmira, with highs averaging around 74°F. You can expect overnight lows near 50°F most days. Daily high temperatures can range between 77°F and 68°F for the month of September.

September is a great time to visit Elmira, with mild temperatures and sunny days being very common.

High Temps Throughout the Year

☔ Rain Summary

In September you can expect close to a 23% chance of rain for any given day. It rains more than usual in September, with total rainfall for the month typically near 4 inches.

Rainfall Throughout the Year

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📍 Nearby Cities in September

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69°F / 51°F
72°F / 53°F
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71°F / 52°F
80°F / 64°F

📅 Year Round Weather in Elmira

33°F / 16°F
35°F / 16°F
45°F / 23°F
58°F / 34°F
70°F / 44°F
78°F / 53°F
83°F / 58°F
81°F / 57°F
74°F / 50°F
61°F / 39°F
48°F / 30°F
37°F / 22°F
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