Typical Weather in Auburn, ME in August
80° F Avg High
60° F Avg Low
5 Rainy Days
☀️ Temperature Summary
August is a popular time of year to visit, with an inviting climate characterized by warm temperatures. In Auburn, August stands out as one of the warmer months, featuring average high temperatures near 80°F. Overnight lows will be around 60°F on average. Daily high temperatures can range between 81°F and 75°F for the month of August.
August is a great time to visit Auburn, with mild temperatures and sunny days being very common.
High Temps Throughout the Year
🎒 What to Pack
Pick up a few of these items to keep your trip fun and comfortable.
☔ Rain Summary
In August you can expect close to a 17% chance of rain for any given day. It rains less than usual in August, with total rainfall for the month typically near 3 inches.
Rainfall Throughout the Year
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